Cookie Policy

Last updated: October 31, 2023

This Cookie Policy explains how Almighty Web Design ("we," "us," or "our") uses cookies and similar technologies when you visit our website, (the "Website"). We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring a smooth and efficient browsing experience.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. They are widely used to improve the functionality of websites, enhance user experience, and provide information to website owners.

Types of Cookies We Use

We use the following types of cookies on our Website:

  • Essential Cookies: These cookies are necessary for the basic functionality of our Website. They help you navigate our site and access its features.
  • Analytical/Performance Cookies: These cookies allow us to collect information about how visitors use our Website. This data helps us improve our website's performance and usability.
  • Functional Cookies: These cookies enable our Website to remember choices you make, such as language preferences or region settings, providing a more personalized experience.
  • Targeting/Advertising Cookies: These cookies are used to deliver content and advertisements that are relevant to your interests. They may also be used to track the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.

How We Use Cookies

We use cookies for various purposes, including:

  • Ensuring the proper functioning of the Website.
  • Analyzing and improving the Website's performance.
  • Enhancing your user experience.
  • Providing targeted content and advertising.
  • Understanding how you interact with our Website.

Managing Cookies

You can control and manage cookies through your browser settings. You can choose to block or delete cookies, but this may affect the functionality and user experience of our Website.

Third-Party Cookies

We may also use third-party cookies, such as those from analytics and advertising providers, to improve our services and deliver relevant content. These third parties have their own privacy policies and may use cookies in accordance with their policies.

Changes to This Cookie Policy

We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. Any updates will be posted on this page with the revised effective date.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Cookie Policy, please contact us at:

  • Almighty Web Design
  • Lakewood, NY

By using our Website, you consent to the use of cookies as described in this Cookie Policy. If you do not agree with the use of cookies, you should adjust your browser settings or refrain from using our Website.